Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I love 5 Cups of Coffee

Bargain with the Devil receives top review (5 cups of coffee). Here is an excerpt from Coffee Time Romance.

Bargain with the Devil is a sweet story of love with a dark side that will ensnare the reader. Enid Wilson skillfully provides a view into the private thoughts of the hero and heroine. This insight allowed me to see the situation through the eyes of both characters. I found it fantastic that the heroine was depicted as very human and rational, unlike other historical heroines who are unable to look past the rules of society. This book is an engrossing story that will grab the reader and take them on a wild ride that will last until the very last sentence.

Press here to read the full review.


  1. I'll second that endorsement, having read the book! (wink). So. Here's cup o' Joe #6 for ya!

    The Old Silly

  2. Thanks Marvin for the additional cup! Hi Dara, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I've too much coffee now, won't be able to sleep.


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