Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Shade in His Character

Anyone who has read my stories knows that I'm a big, super big fan of Lavender Girl's A Shade in His Character. My first Pride and Prejudice-inspired novel Bargain with the Devil was based on a plot device she came up with in "Shade".

I just read the following about her incomplete story:

I was thinking I should dust it off again and have another go. I have some awesome scenes written and others rewritten awhile back and then, once again, real life got in the way. ...That said, each time I go through one of these fits and starts I get nearer to being done, so there isn't all that much left to worry over regarding Book II. Just finding the time for a big push. ...I mean, the water broke, the contractions began some time ago.

I'm also looking at posting my writing elsewhere. I like autonomy and being able to go in and upload an edit any time. Any suggestions? Anyone posting fanfic on a blog? Oh yeah, and free is good. WYSIWYG is good too.

What a tantalising news! First, does that mean Darcy and Elizabeth maybe had a child? What? Wasn't he meticulous when he made love to her? He didn't want to lose control, I remember reading it. Good, we all love a man losing control over a woman he loves so much!

I beg you, Lavender Girl, to start posting soon and relieve our sufferings. And I suggest you do it using blogger or word press. They are free to get a blog, and you can start posting daily. You have full control. As long as you export your blog and save them from time to time, I think you have much more freedom than you could have from any other fan fiction sites. For example, some fan fiction sites do not allow you to edit the title of your first post or delete it after you have posted.

And your site is up and running. Why don't you just post it there? We will come to visit you. You don't have to worry about readers and comments, we have waited so long for this story to finish that we will arrive in thousands!

LOL, thanks everyone, especially those who don't know about my obsession with this story, to bear with my plea.

The photo is a screenshot from Lavender Girl's site.


  1. Are there only 6 chapters or are the subsequent links to the later chapters broken. I read this lovely story this morning at your recommendation, and if there are more than 6 chapters would love to see them!

  2. Just that 6 chapters only, unfortunately. It's been like that for some years now. That's why we (JAFF) all want her to complete it.

  3. I have been waiting for 15 years now. I hope Rebecca is well? Does anyone know?


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