Friday, July 31, 2009

A Shade in His Character

August is here (At least in Australia)! To celebrate the publication of my second novel, Bargain with the Devil, a Pride and Prejudice what-if story, I will be concentrating on my love of Jane Austen's works.

Hope you will join in to share your view too.

In this post, I'm going to talk about the inspiration of my novel.

When I read Pride and Prejudice, a lot of what-if scenarios came up. What if Mr. Darcy told the people in Meryton about Wickham's infamous behaviour, would Lydia Bennet still have eloped?

What if Elizabeth Bennet asked Mr. Darcy's help to find Lydia just a few days after the disastrous proposal while he was still angry with her, would he have asked her to be his mistress in exchange for his help?

This brilliant what-if scenario, which my novel based on, was devised by Lavender Girl in A Shade of His Character. The story is not yet finished and I am forever in hope that she will finish it one day, even though I have taken her plot to another direction.


  1. I'll keep you admiration of Austin in mind when I read your book, Enid. ;)

    The Old Silly

  2. Such a great way to come up with plot ideas. What if? And off you go in a totally new direction!

    Straight From Hel

  3. I guess you don't like Jane Austen that much, Marvin, is that right?

    Yep, Helen, what if is real powerful and can lead me astray, from time to time.


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