Thursday, June 3, 2010

Harry Potter World in Florida

When I was young, I swore that I would visit all the Disneyland theme parks in the world. Now 20 years later, I've only been to Disneyland in Paris and Tokyo.

Well, where have all the time gone? And now another theme park is up. The Harry Potter's World is set to open in Florida on 18 June.

Do you fancy visiting it?

Here is a review from UK Times. Fascinating! But I'm not very sure about this...

In this magical land, even the toilets have been given a touch of imagination: echoing through them is the plaintive wail of the ghost of Moaning Myrtle, who haunts the Hogwarts girls’ lavatory.

It's probably not conducive to your bladder, LOL.


  1. Haunted toilets? What a novel idea. We live close to Disneyland and have our yearly passes. Never grow tired of going there, except in the dead of summer when its 100 degress and the park is full of shoulder-to-shoulder sweaty grumpy tourists.

    Stephen Tremp

  2. Free yearly passes? What a treat!

  3. We visited Disneyland in mid January; very nice, no crowds, no queues. When we got tired of Disney, we went swimming at Huntington Beach, hardly anyone there neither.

    Cold As Heaven

  4. Probably too cold, except for Norweigian...


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